Sunday, January 24, 2016

Welcome 2016

The end of January is quickly approaching. And I've got to say I'm feeling good about 2016 so far. I am now 21 years old and while growing a year older used to scare me, I think I've finally come to terms with my fears.

Ever since I stepped into university, I've felt this constant pressure to be "successful" - and successful in the business world means climbing the corporate ladder and doing what people call "big things" with your life. And I've gone through 3 whole years of my university life thinking that that is what success means. And I hate to admit it, but it is something that made me feel really upset over the years - something that I used to blame myself over. But I think I've finally gotten out of that bubble. 

What is success if you have no one to share it with? What is success if you're not happy? What is success if you are not who you fundamentally want to be?

Slowly but surely, I am discovering what it is that makes me happy. That is exploring new places, having meaningful conversations, creating art (either it be writing poetry, journaling, or calligraphy), and practicing yoga and meditation. I don't need to be doing the same things as everyone else. Those things might be their dreams, but they're not mine. And if I keep comparing myself with others, I'll never be happy. Here's a quote that I like: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid".

Work has been treating me well so far. No, it's not ultimately what I want to do with my whole life. But I'm 21. I'm young and have lots to experience and I am learning something new everyday at my job. So I'm going to go with the flow and I believe... No, I know that I will one day find myself doing what I love to do.

I've recently been getting into modern calligraphy and hand-lettering. It brings me joy and it calms me down from life and work. I'm still an amateur but I am trying to practice everyday. Maybe one day, I'll be able to sell cards and create art for other people. If you want to check out my progress, here's the link:

I am grateful everyday for the people I have in my life and the things that I've experienced, and I hope the rest of 2016 will bring better and bigger things.